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Перевод: captain speek captain

капитан ; капитан торгового судна; полководец ; капитан 1 ранга; командир военного корабля; шкипер ; командир роты; командир эскадрона; командир батареи; летчик гражданской авиации; брандмейстер ; начальник полицейского округа; староста ; капитан команды; метрдотель ; заведующий шахтой; штейгер ; руководитель ; магнат ;
руководить; быть капитаном спортивной команды; быть капитаном корабля


  1. She had graduated from dancing to small parts at the Winter Gardens but because there was difficulty in getting money out of certain managements in Berlin, she was now a non-dancing Captain.
  2. NORMAN YARDLEY was an extraordinarily gifted games player who rose to become captain of Yorkshire and England, later becoming a regular BBC commentator and chairman of selectors.
  3. "Fabulous Fortunes!" remarked Captain Pugwash happily as he contemplated the Huge Reward.
  4. This time the Magharba protested, and did so with such vigour that the electoral commission's table was overturned and Captain Awud broke his arm.
  5. Group Captain The Earl of Ilchester
  6. "As human beings," he tells his RAF liaison officer Group Captain Lionel Mandrake, "you and I need fresh pure water to replace our precious bodily fluids."
  7. (In this way they were of course only following the examples set down in the 1820s and '30s by British visitors to America such as Captain Basil Hall or Mrs Frances Trollope.) ln 1850 the Teetotal Times recorded an "atrocious outrage".
  8. It was Captain Carter who bought the house at the beginning of this century, and lovingly restored whit is here today.
  9. He has grasped the neat theological and ontological crux implicit in the captain's statement, and has acted bored at it.
  10. This turned out to be a reference to the secrecy surrounding the use of Ossie Wheatley's power of veto as chairman of the cricket committee to block the reappointment of Mike Gatting rather than David Gower as England captain last summer.
  11. His Royal Highness was attended by Mr Andrew Palmer and Captain the Honourable Christopher Knollys.
  12. postmistress of Steepways; Hugh , her eldest son, at first believed to have been lost at sea but who later reappears; Margaret , his wife; their daughter ; Alfred , Hugh's younger brother, who helps Captain Jorgan to solve the mystery about his late father's life-savings; Jorgan , his infant son by his wife Kitty .
  13. Captain Watkins discusses the finer points of farming with a local

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