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Перевод: pad speek pad

дорога [жарг.] ; подушка ; подушечка ; мягкая прокладка; мягкая набивка; затычка ; втулка ; подкладка ; мягкое седло; седелка ; щит ; штемпельная подушечка; турнюр ; лапа ; блокнот рисовальной бумаги; блокнот ; блокнот промокательной бумаги; бювар ; плавающий лист; прилив ; буртик [тех.] ; грунтовка ; стартовый стол [косм.] ; плетеная корзина;
подбивать ватой; набивать ватой; набивать волосом; подкладывать что-л. мягкое; перегружать пустыми словами; перегружать излишними подробностями; растягивать (рассказ); дополнять; раздувать; заполнять; путешествовать пешком; грунтовать


  1. Her most popular trick was to jump in the air and land on her stupid head - using my rucksack as a landing pad!
  2. It is based on a study of flashing light and vibrating pad alarms at the Radcliffe Hospital and Infirmary, Oxford.
  3. But Fraser, steady as ever after missing five Tests through injury, found enough lift to have Sidhu sharply caught off bat and pad by John Morris.
  4. And Goldberg in his pad: N.B. his almost pathological need to denigrate critics and criticism.
  5. Message Pad and Qui Danzig have the better form, but as a son of the supremely successful Nureyev, Abs may have more scope for improvement.
  6. Use an impact pad to increase accuracy on moving targets.
  7. And Goldberg, pushing the hair out of his eyes and wiping his face at the same time with his sleeve, pushed away the typewriter, pulled the pad towards him, seized the felt-tip pen, and wrote: He later admitted that he had merely said between seventeen and eighteen as a manner of speaking.
  8. Not that I will be changing anything in the immediate area of the shelf at the base of which the bait lies, but I thought it better to give the carp a profound liking for the swim before even one stalk of rush or one lily pad was removed.
  9. The doctor smiled quietly, reached for her pad and made a note; she smiled, walked round the foot of the high couch and came up towards Phoebe left-hand side.
  10. Work out your initial budget for every possible item of expenditure and then pad it .
  11. And Goldberg, pulling the pad towards him and seizing his felt-tip pen, began to write.
  12. Meyer, young and lean-faced, had his pen poised over a pad.
  13. She made to rise but Erika forestalled her and got the telephone pad.

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