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  1. This exercise is rendered easier to perform by the fact that Charles is not lying beside her to observe and ask ironic questions about it.
  2. Parker agreed to do so "on Christian principles" which included taking no pay and banning racing results: this was somewhat ironic, given Bottomley's links to the racing world.
  3. By the time one gets to Derrida, the latest and youngest of the sequence, Nietzsche's myth of art has itself been dissolved by Derrida's pervasive irony: "If Nietzsche is an ironic mythmaker, Derrida seems only ironic: the radicality of his irony undermines any pretension to myth.
  4. "He gets a wonderfully compassionate sense of the ironic and pathetic immaturity of a mere baccalaureate scholar turned loose in an immature society."
  5. It is ironic that, after the National majority had been safely won, and shown itself, as might have been predicted, protectionist, Snowden reverted to the role of stubborn free trader, and gave currency to the view of MacDonald as a feeble halfwit, without principles or dignity, Yet MacDonald, although no doctrinaire free trader, had fought harder to reach a formula that the Liberals, Snowden's free trade allies, could accept than Snowden himself had done.
  6. "That was very ironic, because she was - er - conceived just before we separated.
  7. The volatility of the Cusqueos coupled with the increasing pressure among them of poor campesinos who had come down from the Andes to seek a better life stood in ironic contrast to the rigid panoply of the state; a situation brought home to me on Easter Sunday.
  8. "It's ironic," said George.
  9. But it can scarcely be in doubt that these books have in them home truths, and an ironic obliquity or duplicity, which richly relate to the world of Jaruzelski's predecessors, and indeed to the experience of other countries where literature and opinion have been repressed.
  10. It's also ironic that the whole discussion could have taken place on radio, which would have enabled one to look for a dictionary or just take a walk round the room.
  11. I replied in a stiff ironic voice.
  12. He said Mr Smith, as Shadow chancellor, bore the chief responsibility for this failure of Labour's economic and taxation policy, and so it was ironic that Mr Smith was now being presented as the best leader for the party.
  13. For a scheme which was claimed to take independent financial advisers out of the power of insurers, this is an ironic situation for Fimbra to have got itself into."

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