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Перевод: invasion speek invasion

вторжение; нашествие; набег ; посягательство; инвазия


  1. One reason, for example, why the Falklands issue figured so infrequently on the agenda of the Cabinet's Oversea and Defence Committee before the Argentine invasion of April 1982 is that Lord Carrington, then Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary, disliked bringing Foreign Office business before committee meetings of his colleagues.
  2. The proceedings of Sir Paul Scoon after the American invasion were just as revolutionary - meaning validated by force not law - as had been the proceedings of the superseded military regime.
  3. Serrano's Piss Christ (which he termed "a protest against the commercial invasion of sacred images") brought an outburst which continues to this day.
  4. Two thousand Cornishmen, it had been planned, were to be rushed to the defence of Plymouth, the most likely invasion point.
  5. About 1200 BC the late Bronze Age civilization of Mycenae, which had dominated the Aegean world since the destruction of Knossos some 300 years before, itself collapsed under the invasion of the Dorian Greeks from the north.
  6. The New York-based Commission, composed of respected religious and political activists with knowledge of Central America, collected hundreds of statements from Panamanians who witnessed the invasion.
  7. Riva's move into the UK could well be just the vanguard of a friendly invasion of quality draught continental beers which may soon be competing on the bars of UK pubs with our own traditional ales.
  8. An invasion of the Crimea took place in September 1855 and a year later, Sebastopol was taken and the Russians agreed peace terms in 1856.
  9. One year after the US invaded Panama with 30,000 troops on December 20, 1989, and removed General Manuel Noriega from power (see SR Feb 1990), significant issues surrounding that invasion seem destined for the dustbin of "murky endings".
  10. Terry Charman of the Imperial War Museum says there are still many unresolved mysteries from the Second World War - and the "events" on a Suffolk beach in that jittery invasion summer of 1940 could be one of them.
  11. President Alan Gacia of Peru called for a planned summit on February 15 with President Bush to discuss drugs to be "deferred" because of the invasion.
  12. Venezuela, a fierce critic of Gen Noriega, said the invasion should be condemned and rejected.
  13. The exhibition, mounted until Sunday by the Cypriot government, aims to make propaganda over what it calls the cultural devastation of the Turkish sector since the invasion - a claim disputed by the Turks.

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