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Перевод: descent speek descent

спуск ; снижение; понижение; склон горы; склон ; скат ; падение; опускание; нисхождение; происхождение; поколение; наследование; передача по наследству; внезапное нападение; десант [воен.]


  1. It is happily served by two old paths for ascent and descent, encouraging a circular walk best done clockwise.
  2. Matrilineal descent systems seem to develop only occasionally in human cultures and to be associated with female ownership of primary resources such as land (see p. 205).
  3. A descent upon England was long looked upon as an impracticable chimera in face of the countless and invincible naval forces that encircle this island-empire with a line of floating citadels, collected or dispersed at will at any threatened points around the coast
  4. Rather, Qaddafi argued that rational association of people was less valuable, less stable, intrinsically less just than association on natural bases; and by "natural" he meant ties of descent and kinship.
  5. In patrilineal descent groups, he argued, the individual family and private property were prominent and the communal principle already moribund.
  6. For Maine, as the family expands into a descent group, the property it held before on an individual basis becomes communal property simply because the descent group is a "larger family".
  7. His thinking is reflected in his later autobiography, which incorporates his Historical Note on the Various Projects of Descent on England .
  8. Anthropologists such as Fortes, the foremost authority on the subject, Fortes, 1953; 1963 have stressed the extraordinary unity of some descent groups and their communal control of property, as the key element of social organization of the peoples among which they occur.
  9. In many ways the Conservatives' descent towards violence over the Ulster question, and Bonar Law's "new style".
  10. It is tribesmen who tell themselves that tribes are natural groups based on primary bonds of kinship and descent.
  11. The other implication is that conflict, when it arose, was between men organized in groups sharing common descent.
  12. Within a few years Dunkirk Mills was under the control, although not in the complete ownership of Peter Playne, of a long-established clothier family of Flemish descent.
  13. Perhaps, taking into account the comparative shortness of the descent, only injured.

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