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Перевод: breakdown speek breakdown

поломка ; авария ; пробой ; полный упадок сил; полный упадок; упадок ; развал ; разруха ; распад ; разрушение; разборка ; анализ ; расчленение; деление на категории; классификация ; брейк ; распределение


  1. Outcome, if considered at all, has been narrowly conceived as continuity or breakdown of placement.
  2. Most of us know someone who had the misfortune to suffer a bad car crash, or a heart attack, or a breakdown.
  3. The region of Conques suffered especially at this time from the breakdown of public authority and the rise of an aristocracy exercising local power from newly built castles.
  4. Drought resulted in decreased root growth and slower breakdown of soil litter, an important source of magnesium for forest trees.
  5. He then drove to Namur in Belgium, where he changed cab units after a breakdown.
  6. Parallels with the 1930s (see pages 17-;22) are also prompted by the protectionist threat to world trade from the breakdown of the Uruguay round of GATT talks.
  7. Such soil treatments, therefore, as ploughing in straw or green crops can only prove successful if conditions for the subsequent breakdown of the cellulose are present.
  9. In the deterioration of Count Rudolf's manners and behaviour, MacMillan shows more clearly than anywhere else in his works how any mental and physical breakdown must show through and beyond the technicalities of the dance.
  10. Proteolytic activity (protein breakdown) also decreases in predators after eating (Duke et al .,
  11. Unfortunately we had a major breakdown with the car, and were stuck in a tiny village with our tent and no transport.
  12. The bacteriocidal effect is achieved by the breakdown of the double helix DNA strand which cannot be mended.
  13. It was argued that the pattern in other countries was that laws permitting divorce followed social trends in the numbers of marriage breakdowns rather than vice versa and that the fears of societal breakdown promoted by opponents in Ireland were unfounded in fact.

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