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Перевод: Border speek Border

граница между Англией и Шотландией; граница между США и Канадой; граница между США и Мексикой


  1. The town of Cerska, near the Serbian border, has been methodically shelled by the Serbs for the past year and has, at the same time, been denied food.
  2. The crafty old devil has not only got his bird eating out of his hand, he's managed to dig some up-to-date data on the border build-up out of him.
  3. Since Saturday, 30,000 refugees have reached West Germany, crossing the border at a rate of about 200 an hour.
  4. Taylor, the stand-in Australian captain, has now had two wins and a tie since taking over the helm last week from the injured Allan Border.
  5. Mark Taylor was named as deputy captain to Allan Border in place of Marsh.
  6. Cyril Smith, from Carrickfergus, died just over a year ago after a huge bomb was driven into the border checkpoint at Newry.
  7. Further pressure came from Poland's announcement yesterday that it had stopped sending home East Germans who crossed the border illegally with the aim of reaching West Germany.
  8. In Germany the Federal Infrastructure Plan of 1985 makes provision for 4,500km of high speed line including 800km of new line; in Italy and the Alta Velocita network will consist of 2,200km of new and upgraded line in a T shape linking Milan, Rome, Naples, Turin, and Venice; in France the TGV (Train a Grande Vitesse) network will eventually total 7,000km including 2,300km of new lines such as the recently announced TGV Nord which will link with the Channel Tunnel: and in Spain the government has decided to adopt the standard European gauge for all new high speed lines with priority being given to the Madrid-Cordoba-Seville and the Madrid-Saragossa-Barcelona-French border lines.
  9. In a day of fast-moving developments, Mr Yeltsin also took a shot at Ukraine, with a threat to take the entire Black Sea fleet into Russian hands, and saying he was taking over border troops in the Transcaucasus.
  10. Given its height and vigour, L. serotina is probably best accommodated at the back of a herbaceous border or in the wild garden if you are lucky enough to have such a place.
  11. The Ramallah Congress delegation argued "it should first be decided to allow the refugees to return, and once that is decided their actual return should not be affected by the discussion on the border question
  12. The high rate of the North-Central Province, for instance, is an indication that the old trade on the border between this province and Kurunagala had been revived.
  13. The rebels stage their guerilla attacks on Nicaragua from these isolated Miskito lands on the Honduran side of the border.

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