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Перевод: attorney speek attorney

адвокат ; поверенный ; юрист ; прокурор ; атторней


  1. Jim Garrison: Oct 21, aged 71: New Orleans District Attorney, whose conspiracy theory concerning the assassination of John F Kennedy formed the basis of the script for film JFK.
  2. Based on the book by defence attorney Dershowitz, REVERSAL OF FORTUNE opens with an extended aerial tour of quintessential Gatsby country, the mansion resorts of the super wealthy on Newport, Rhode Island.
  3. Mr Robertson QC cited examples from UN practice, such as the eight-hour visit to Indonesia by the Attorney General of Kenya following the Dili massacre, and from other intergovernmental agencies, such as the drafting of the recent Seychelles constitution, to illustrate his point.
  4. Cynics have noted that the Northern Ireland team under the former attorney general, Sir Patrick Mayhew, is well-placed to forge friendly relations with the Ulster Unionists, should by-elections nibble away at the government's majority.
  5. Or perhaps it was Lord Rawlinson, the Lord Chancellor manque and former Attorney General?
  6. You could at the same time consider making an enduring power of attorney - to appoint someone you trust to manage your affairs if you become incapable of doing so.
  7. In doing so, they reminded us, 46 years after Labour's first attorney general, Sir Hartley Shawcross, declared "We are the masters now", where the real mastery still lies.
  8. She explained her Appetite for policemen as "something to do with my belief in law and order" and rested her hopes in an attorney who specialized in "shock-induced behaviour switch"; he had recently won damages of 300,000 for a client left similarly afflicted after a cable car crash.
  9. New York State's attorney general investigated the society and required it to make quarterly reports, an obligation that still applies today.
  10. The attorney agreed with Haydon about the injustice of the proceedings, and told him to return that evening to settle the matter finally.
  11. It goes on, correctly, to show how Jack Blum, an investigator who worked for Democratic Senator John Kerry's subcommittee on terrorism, narcotics and international Relations, played a key role in persuading the New York district attorney, Robert Morgenthau, to take an interest in BCCI and begin his own investigation.
  12. When both the Minister for Justice, General McEoin, and the Attorney General, Mr Charles Casey, made it clear that they considered the legislation inopportune, pressure for an explanation eventually brought forward a response from Mr Casey.
  13. The next morning, so it was reported from the White House lawn, President Bush was "vexed" and "frustrated" by the verdict, presumably because he would now have to evince symbolic "concern" and make well-publicised calls on the attorney general to see if Rodney King's civil rights had been abused.

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